Unbroken by Nandhika Nambi…. book review

Unbroken is the story of Akhriti. She is a school girl who met with an accident 2 years back and that apart for the physical damage left her broken emotionally. There is no hope for physical recovery but she isn’t ready to even let go of the anger and frustration. Her family isn’t able to reach out or help because of her anger. She is annoying to everyone around her. Which is mostly to keep people away from her. She hates being sympathised and likes to do all that she can herself.

The turn of events in the book so beautifully reveal how everything around changes once we are mended. How our outlook is responsible for everything we experience.

This a beautiful book and I loved reading it. A short read and a very engaging one. If you are looking for some inspiration you may find it here along with lessons in gratitude and kindness.

Adultery by Paulo Cohelo…. Book Review

This is perhaps some 3rd or 4th time when I tried to read a book by Paulo Cohelo and failed miserably. The one and only book by him that I loved and that inspired me to read some more of his works was The Alchemist. And that was such an awesome work that even till now I was hoping for another book of his that had leave a mark.

Adultery is a terrible read. There is literally no story and too much of philosophy thrown in at every other scene. Like most of his books the protagonist here seem utterly depressing. I have myself faced a lot of loneliness because of my husband’s profession. But this woman with a perfect life (as described in the book) really puts me off when she sulks on every page.

Had it been a case of clinical depression I could have empathised with her. But she refuses to see a doctor and even till the end claims that she is hit by loneliness instead. I don’t know but perhaps someone in a similar situation with a perfect life but a yearning for something more may relate to this one. But for me who has decently managed to balance on even lonelier days, I couldn’t really understand what the author is talking about.

The synopsis at the back says “she rediscovers the passion missing from her life”. But I found her as lost and as dissatisfied as she was at the beginning or perhaps more.

I realised that there is this underlyibg darkness in all of Paulo Cohelo’s work. And that doesn’t appeal to me at all.

I completed the book only because I hate to leave something unfinished and morever it was a short book and I was hopeful that Paulo won’t disappoint me yet another time. But sadly so with this one I am forced to take him off my to be read list.

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion.. Book Review

Don is the most amusing and entertaining character ever. He is mechanical in his approach and cannot understand and make sense of emotions. He is an excellent learner and whatever he does, he does it to perfection. Everything he does or says is entertaining and delightful. He has his days planned to every second. Even his meals are pre planned to keep it all systematic and efficient. He is one of those rare charachters that i completely fell in love with.

The book is such a perfect elaboration of the fact that opposites attract. So Don has from his past relationships assumed himself incapable of finding a partner. He feels it is too time consuming and wasteful an activity. But then he arrives at the idea of taking it as a project and dealing it in a more methodical way so as to reduce the possibility of error. Being a scientist this approach appeals to him.

As a stroke of luck he meets Rosie who is everything he has listed his prospective partner not to be. She challenges his lifestyle and routine and disrupts it. And even then before he realises it he is involved in helping her locate her biological father. He is sure the only motivation behind doing so is to use his expertise(he excels in genetics) in a humanitarian way. And hence starts the Father project.

It is beautiful how love transforms an individual and brings out feelings they themselves aren’t aware they are capable of. And how love can happen at places we least expect it to.

I cannot wait to read the sequels… Rosie result and Rosie effect, especially to read more of Don.

To me this one ia definitely a 10 on 10. A light hearted reading which is romantic but not all mushy mushy. Something I am sure I would love to re read some day.



A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini… book review

Thanks to my daughter’s vacations and also me being on vacation, I have time at hand to pick the books long on my to be read list. And also the opportunity to share how wonderul these books are.

The last book I read by Khaled Hosseini was Kite Runner and it was awesome. The narration was so beautiful I still remember the picture penned by him. I was ever since looking forward to read something more by him. Even though both these books are set in the war time Afghanistan they are very very different.

Reading A thousand splendid Suns made me feel so grateful for where I am born and the respect, independence and equality my society gives to women. I felt pained from the bottom of my heart for the two women in this book. Mariam and Laila are so different from each other in every which way. Destiny or rather war brings them together and they develop a beautiful bond which even in the terrible circumstances makes life a little more bearable to them. Rasheed was such a typical man in a male chauvinist society. Even though he once in a while did something a husband ought to do, there was just no way i could even remotely like him. He was inhuman to the core especially to the women in his life, whether it be his daughter or his wife. I could not bring myself to feel any sympathy for his painful journey. I know it is a work of fiction but I don’t think author would have written of such pain and suffering unless it exists.

Afghanistan in the pre war seemed just another beautiful place on earth. But what happened during the Taliban rule and especially to women is heart wrenching. The rules for them and the punishment they had to endure in case of breaking a rule is the most inhuman imaginable.

The aftermath of a war is bone chilling. How families are destroyed. Children become homeless. I hope wisdom prevails and the world doesn’t witness any more blood shedding.

The book is not a happy book but the story of Mariam and Laila and their beautiful friendship, and their hopes and desires for a beautiful tomorrow is heart warming. The end is as beautiful as it can get given the circumstances.

All in all a good read if only you can endure atrocities against women and the pain of war.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen- book reivew

I am not a literature student and not very well read especially when it comes to classics. So this review is primarily for people like me. Don’t look for any technical criticism or a synopsis of the story. The internet is full of that. This is only a go ahead signal for someone wary of classics in general.

I am not into reading the classics. Most of the times I don’t connect or I find them a drag. But pride and prejudice was on my to read list since long. How could a romantic like me miss the most romantic novels of all times.

Unlike many other times I wasn’t disappointed by this one at all. In fact I truly agree with the title being the most romantic. Such a subtle beautiful romance… I didn’t have too many expectations but it was just not how every other classic made me feel. And even when I compare it with the other books in same genre this one without doubt takes the trophy.

Even after so many years into publication it does not feel out of date. In recent times I have been especially slow in my readings. No matter what after a tiring day with a toddler I cannot keep my eyes open for very long. But this one kept me awake and I finished it in record time…. and the only reason I had slow down was because I didn’t want the master piece to end.

So even if you aren’t the kind to pick up the much acclaimed classics but you like reading romance this one is not to be missed. It will warm your heart and make you smile and of course Mr Darcy will win your heart without fail.

I read this on kindle but loved it so much that plan to keep a copy on my shelf. After this one I definitely look forward to read some more work by  Austen.

Anna Karenina-Book review

I would like to at the onset make a disclaimer… I am no literary person. This is an epic and yet i take on the task of presenting my views. 

So this book has been on my to be read list since ages… at least 6 years that I remember. I even once got hold of a copy during a vacation. But perhaps the thickness of the book and the distractions of a beautiful place kept me from reading. Having kept the book for almost 2 months I returned it unread. 

And then i enetered phases where i was reading sprituality and then motherhood and parenting books.

This time I came across the book as a free copy on my kindle unlimited. Though eventually i took three months to read it during which my subscription lapsed and i bought a copy to finish it. 

The book undoubtedly has the finesse you expect from such a genius. The language is beautiful. The way it expresses the feelings of the characters you can actually visualise it in your head so clearly. The details to which it goes is awesome. Leave alone the famous quotations from this book, every page is a marvel to read. 

BUT…. it did not eventually go down well with me. Now as the name goes i expected more of Anna in the book. I wanted so much more of her…. to know her more ….. read more about her. The multiple characters in the book kept me from being too engrossed. The name of the book was not justified, it was not even 50% Anna’s story.

Secondly I had always thought of Anna as a strong character….. the book totally failed me on that account. The end she meets with really disappointed me. At so many points in the story i could not help pitying her, which was not what i had expected. 

Nevertheless I would say it was a good book and it did leave a mark…. for it has me still thinking about it one week later…. 

Em and the big hoom by Jerry Pinto- book review

Recently I have been all for reading Indian authors. No not Chetan Bhagat and his genre of writings where the title itself puts you off. But the more mature Indian authors. 

Em and the big Hoom caught me for the awesome reviews I read on a facebook group I follow. And the book surely did meet up my expectations. Also the title was quite interesting. The first few pages throw light on the title which is not much of a mystery. Nevertheless I liked the name. 

Not a happy book so keep away if you want something uplifting. In fact a very sad story of a family where the mother “Em” is suffering from severe mental illness, to the extent of driving her to suicide. And how amidst this turmoil her entire family takes care of her and how it leads them to a totally abnormal life. Where they dread each waking hour of their mother. 

“Hoom” is the dotting husband who compliments the turmoil of Em with his own peace and calm. He married her for love and stands by his vows till the end. Where Em is completely weird Hoom is absolutely balanced.

The book takes you in flashbacks to the meeting of Em and Hoom, the good old days where life was more normal and happy.

The story is narrated by the son, who is worried he may fall prey to similar sufferings and also at the same time wants to get inside her mothers head and into her past to know the reasons for her present state. Perhaps in doing so as well he is trying to ascertain his own probability of falling prey to depression.

A sad story which is beautiful in its saddness. Some lovely quotes across the book. Worth a reading if you can handle the saddness! 

Myra’s 100 books pact – 7

Again back with books on our shelf. Love rotating books as it keeps her interest alive and not having too many at one time ensures she is able to concentrate on the few available. So these were the books on our shelf in the last week. We are in the middle of moving and thus I sometimes get occupied with other things… so though we are reading not as much as we used to. 

But books still top our list of activities for the day. So coming to the books we have been reading…

Book 41/100 Spot’s big book of first words….. bought this one long back looking at her love for another spot book. Where’s spot? I wasn’t very impressed on receiving it but Myra loves it. She loves looking at the pictures naming them and it has been a vreat vocabulary builder for her. 

Book 42/100 Dinosaur Roar…. this book is from my latest loot. Got this on pre loved books group on fb. A cute book to learn opposites. Slightly early for her but yes we do talk about opposites we come across … like hot milk cold milk, small teddy big teddy. 

Book 43/100 Baby says…. a very small board book for small babies mostly. But Myra enjoys this book. Again recent purchase from the same loot. Recommended more for a 6 to 9 month old. Will be used later as well but a good book to start with.

Book 44/100 I’m not cute…. everyone tells the little owl you are cute vut it annoys him. So mom to pacify him says that you aren’t cute and then he starts thinking again. Typical confused toddler. Recent purchase and just read once….. but my 20 month old was listening intently. I do not expect much absorption… but i like it when she takes interest in stories. 

Book 45/100 Ball… a little baby in love with his ball escapes through the main door into the woods. Very cute book where the ball mives from one page to other. Myra loved hiding the ball and then finding it again. Again a recent purchase.

Book 46/100 Puppy’s day out… another of my first purchased books. Been reading it for over a year now. Very short and simple story. But simplicity catches on best with little one’s and thus another favourite.

Book 47/100 Counting kisses… oh I absolutely looove this book. A very beautiful kiss along book. Awesome bedtime read that adds more to kisses and snuggles. We have been reading it for a year now and now that Myra knows most body parts she knows where she is going to get kissed next. She too enjoys being kissed and I love to hear her giggle as she feels tickled. Absolutely must have!

Book 48/ 100 Happy birthday Spot… i love books that are inter related. And Spot series therefore is something  I am always on the lookout for. Just read this a couple of times, but this was the first time she enjoyed it as she is now beginning to take interest in stories. 

Book 49/100 Round and round book…. another from the set of three. No beginning no end and no story… picture book. She loves this one too. Good for sparkinb creativity. It is nice to see her sit with the book and go into the pictures.

So that is what we have been reading lately. We are almost halfway and I am loving this. Hope you find something good here to add to your collection. Need any further inputs please feel free to message. 

Happy reading!

Myra’s 100 book pact – 6

Been a long time since I posted. Posting two today cause i completed one much earlier but due to a bad net connection it got left out. 

We have been reading but bad weather and then she was down with cold and I was too tired end of day to think even. Thankfully she started sleeping better since last two days and I too behaving well by sleeping in time. As a mother to a toddler you really must catch on your skeep to be able to handle them the next day. 

In between all this we got two packages of books… one fromMy little bookshop. And another from a facebook group that sells preloved books. We were both very excited obviously. The one from my little bookshop was mostly books on rains as we wanted to follow rhythms and since it is rains right now I wanted to read some books on rains with her. And yes she loved them 😀

We have changed this shelf long back and are already overdue for the next change. Myra walks up every morning and is not very happy not to find anything much new. So from an old shelf what we had….

Book 35/100 Action rhymes… bought this book from a shop in bangalore that sells preloved books by weight. It has some very good action rhymes and has been very useful for me as I learnt a lot of actions from here and Myra really enjoys these now.

Book 36/100 Where the wild things are…. had been reading awesome reviews for this book since long and finally bought it. This was the first time Myra read this one. I loved the book and I think she will love it too. For now she was only busy looking at the pictures of all the wild things and watching them dance to the tunes of a little boy.

Book 37/100 Penny and Pup… a very cute story. She still does not understand the story yet loves looking at the beautiful illustrations in the book.

Book 38/100 Kitten’s furry friends… this is a finger puppet book and she loves it from the first day. It is a simple and very cute story. This book grew in her and now she goes deeper into whaT is happening at each stage. She absolutely loves this one.

Book 39/ 100 Daring baby mouse… one of my first purchase for her. Very stursy boardboom and a very cute simple story. She enjoys it as well

Book 40/100 Sleepy me…. a very cute bedtime book… the baby is sleepy and so is everything else in the house. Beautiful rhyming book. This one was a free gift from the lady who sells pre loved books. And it is really liked by her. 

That is all for now. Right now our shelf is overflowing with books. Will come back very very soon with some very awesome titles we have on our shelf right now. 

Happy reading till then!

Myra’s 100 book pact – 6

Been a long time since I posted. Posting two today cause i completed one much earlier but due to a bad net connection it got left out. 

We have been reading but bad weather and then she was down with cold and I was too tired end of day to think even. Thankfully she started sleeping better since last two days and I too behaving well by sleeping in time. As a mother to a toddler you really must catch on your skeep to be able to handle them the next day. 

In between all this we got two packages of books… one fromMy little bookshop. And anothe from a facebook group that sells preloved books. We were both very excited obviously. The one from my little bookshop was mostly books on rains as we wanted to follow rhythms and since it is rains right now wanted to read some books on rains with her. And yes she loved them 😀

We have changed this shelf long back and are already overdue for the next change. Myra walks up every morning and is not very happy not to find anything much new. So from an old shelf what we had….

Book 35/100 Action rhymes… bought this book from a shop in bangalore that sells preloved books by weight. It has some very good action rhymes and has been very useful for me as I learnt a lot of actions from here and Myra really enjoys these now.

Book 36/100 Where the wild things are…. had been reading awesome reviews for this book since long and finally bought it. This was the first time Myra read this one. I loved the book and I think she will love it too. For now she was only busy looking at the pictures of all the wild things and watching them dance to the tunes of a little boy.

Book 37/100 Penny and Pup… a very cute story. She still does not understand the story yet loves looking at the beautiful illustrations in the book.

Book 38/100 Kitten’s furry friends… this is a finger puppet book and she loves it from the first day. It is a simple and very cute story. This book grew in her and now she goes deeper into whaT is happening at each stage. She absolutely loves this one.

Book 39/ 100 Daring baby mouse… one of my first purchase for her. Very stursy boardboom and a very cute simple story. She enjoys it as well

Book 40/100 Sleepy me…. a very cute bedtime book… the baby is sleepy and so is everything else in the house. Beautiful rhyming book. This one was a free gift from the lady who sells pre loved books. And it is really liked by her. 

That is all for now. Right now our shelf is overflowing with books. Will come back very very soon with some very awesome titles we have on our shelf right now. 

Happy reading till then!